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Browsing Archive: December, 2011

Egypt! Excited to exit

Posted by Ria Moothilal on Thursday, December 22, 2011, In : On the road 

21 December 2011

Wow, we're here. Nine months of travelling. 11500Kms cycled. Memories that will last a lifetime.

I can remember the 22nd of March as if it were yesterday, and now today I sit on the end of the continent typing this blog. Its been one helluva ride. But before I get all sentimental lets take a look at our experience in country number ten, Egypt!

We left Aswan and basically followed the Nile on its course north to Cairo. In between we stayed in several towns, both small and l...

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Simply Sudan

Posted by Imraan Sayed on Thursday, December 1, 2011, In : On the road 

What an underestimated country – beautiful desert landscape, magnificent sunsets then night skies and roadside cafés bubbling with friendly, humble and generous folk.
Exiting  Ethiopia was somewhat of a relief; we were at breaking point after dealing with stone throwing kids, jippo guts and constant mountain passes..

Last of the mountain passes in Ethiopia

Border crossing was a breeze, similar to all other countries on the journey, however the Ethiopian / Sudanese border is poorly signposte...

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